Mental Health in the Workplace – Free Training Modules for Small Businesses
Date Posted: 10 May, 2022
These training sessions aim to support you and your staff. They are delivered by SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) who are Scotland’s national mental health charity. The courses have been commissioned by Renfrewshire Council.
Please book now. Please note all sessions are delivered via MS Teams online. If you need support on how to use this platform, ask for assistance when booking.
We’ve had some great feedback on the courses which have taken place so far:
- “Some really good insight into how to begin to deal with mental health in the workplace.”
- “Got the validation that we’re not expected to ‘fix’ the problem – just see it, acknowledge it and help the person get the help they need.”
- “Really good, great to meet people and discuss things that are common occurrences in the workplace.”
- “A great, informative session – lots to take on board and think about how to use with my team.”
To book a place or ask for more information, email with your name, job role and organisation. Please put ‘SAMH training’ in the header of your email.
Mental Health: Supporting Customers
This course is specially-designed for those who are employed/volunteer in a non-mental-health specific customer service role, but may be required to support a customer through face-to-face, virtual or telephone interactions.
- The definition of mental health and wellbeing, followed by information on the mental health continuum and how we can fluctuate in position
- What is stigma and discrimination, and how does this affect mental health?
- Common mental health problems, more specifically depression and anxiety, with short case study and signposting for further reading
- Early warning signs and triggers, and how we might spot the signs of poor mental health
- Preparing to have the conversation around mental health – how, why, where? Followed by ‘useful phrases and tips’
- Group skills practice scenarios with prompting questions – office/work-based scenarios.
- Consumer vulnerability
- Spotting the signs of poor mental health in customers through face-to-face, virtual and telephone correspondence
- Our limitations as caregivers and the value of signposting.
All participants will be given a starter toolkit for signposting others for support, and encouraged to continue research for their own toolkit in their own time
This course will run in May 2022 – more details to follow.
To book a place, email with your name, job role and organisation. Please put ‘SAMH training’ in the header of your email when you book.