New President Derek J. McNab Announced by Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce

Date Posted: 2 Feb, 2023

Mr Derek J. McNab has been named as President of Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce following Ms Liz Connolly’s completion of a two-year term of office. He is Managing Director of Mabbett, the leading planning, design, environment, engineering and safety consultancy and a Visiting Professor at the University of Strathclyde.  Derek has served as a director since December 2017 and the chamber board also welcomes new director Mr Ronald Leitch, Operations Director from Glasgow Airport.

Chamber President Derek J. McNab said “I am born and bred in Renfrewshire, so I am very proud to become the next President of Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce. I look forward to working with my fellow directors, the Chamber team led by Bob Grant and Jill Carrino; and all our members to support Renfrewshire ‘Grow and Prosper’. Congratulations Liz Connolly for a successful term and for passing the Chain of Office, you have set a high bar. “ 

Immediate Past President Liz Connolly said “It has been an honour to take up the role of President at the chamber for the past two years and I wish Derek every success as he leads the board and chamber through our next phase of development. I trust he will enjoy the role as much as I have.”

Chief Executive Bob Grant said “The staff and board warmly congratulate Derek on his election as President. Having successfully grown Mabbett with his team to a multi-site, award winning business, his expertise will be of great benefit to our members. He understands the challenges of operating an SME in the current climate.  In addition, we extend a warm welcome to Ronald Leitch from Glasgow Airport. His election to the board maintains our strong relationship with the Airport and supports the crucial role it plays in both our local economy and prosperity of the city region. We owe a debt of gratitude to Liz Connolly whose strategic expertise has been a great asset in our work to refresh the chamber strategy & operations supporting our members in the years to come. I’m delighted Liz has agreed to continue as a board director. “

Renfrewshire Chamber is the main business membership organisation in Renfrewshire. They offer extensive networking, learning, and support opportunities for the wider business community with a team of 8 staff based at Glasgow Airport. Their documentation and customs declaration service is designed to facilitate international trade & help navigate import & export regulations. For more information visit