Peak Scientific Offers Pupils Opportunity to Win a Place at World-Leading Innovation School    

Date Posted: 19 Apr, 2022

School pupils across Scotland have been challenged to design a pair of shoes capable of  collecting litter to win a free place on one of the world’s leading education programs.

PEAK Scientific have organized the competition in a bid to level-up Scotland’s workforce of the future. They are funding 30 free places to NuVu X’s summer school in Glasgow from July 16-23. Entrants who come up with the best concepts for litter-picking shoes – decided by a panel of experts – will be invited to join the summer school. Any pupil at a state school in Scotland over the age of 13 can apply.

The intensive summer school will be hosted at the UK’s first innovation school – a purpose built £2.5m building which is part of Kelvinside Academy in Glasgow’s West End.

The theme of the summer school will be green wearable tech, and pupils will be guided by NuVu X’s team of innovators – made up of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Harvard grads – as they design products that will make the world a better place.

Using innovative approaches, materials, and technologies, students will learn how to make wearable technology that measures and improves the environment’s health.

Boston-based NuVu was founded by a trio of MIT graduates with a mission to transform education around the world.

Since launching in 2014, NuVu has brought its innovative model to schools around the world, swapping traditional classrooms and passive learning for open-ended, hands-on studios.

NuVu X’s co-founder and chief creative officer, Saba Ghole, said: “At NuVu X, pupils discover a new way of learning. We combine design technology and social issues to give students the opportunity to explore their creative side. We are excited that PEAK Scientific has opened the door to what could be a life changing experience for 30 talented young people.

“The real motivation for NuVu X is to infuse education with creative learning and problem solving and thinking critically about the world around us. Our mission is to empower the next generation of young designers, entrepreneurs, makers and inventors who will impact their communities and world through their work and ideas.

“Traditional education doesn’t nurture pupils’ creativity and capacity for innovation.”

As it continues its expansion, NuVu X is currently in talks to bring its progressive learning model which combines studio-based learning with traditional coursework to schools UK-wide.

PEAK Scientific CEO, Jonathan Golby, believes NuVu X’s model is the ‘missing piece in Scotland’s education system’.

He said: “All young people deserve to experience this new way of learning. This is one small step towards trying to make every child in Scotland be better prepared to take on the jobs of the future.

“Not all students learn in the same way. And while the traditional curriculum based learning works for many, other students prosper in an environment where it’s less about exams and more about using hands-on skills and working together with others to complete a project.

“NuVu X gives pupils the licence to develop their own answers and solutions, using their own initiative and intelligence to drive the process and solve open-ended problems.

“We believe adopting  NuVu X’s education model could be a differentiator for Scotland’s workforce of the future. The change-makers, entrepreneurs, and innovators of the future need a different solution to what’s been offered in the past.”

Pupils aged 13+ at state schools across Scotland can register their interest in the competition at


NuVu Summer Camp 2022

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